Temp |
61.5 °F |
Dew Pt. |
57.3 °F |
Humidity |
86% |
Pressure |
1018.7 hPa steady |
Wind |
0.0 mph WSW |
Rain |
0.04 in 0.00 in/hr |
UV index |
--- |
Solar rad. |
100 W/m² |
Duarte Weather publishes data to various sources to provide accurate real-time information derived from our Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus weather station
Below are some of the sources of publication that we provide.
The Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a private-public partnership with three main goals:
There are over 6,000 registered CWOP members world wide.
Weather Underground is one of the largest online weather providers, publishing over 132 million page requests and 7 million unique visitors a month. Founded in 1995 as the Web's first online weather service, Weather Underground has grown into the most comprehensive, user friendly weather web site.
All U.S. forecasts and advisories on the wunderground.com web site are generated by the National Weather Service (NWS). Most U.S. current condition data comes from the Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) stations located at about 1600 airports throughout the country. The Federal Aviation Administration maintains these sites and provides location and contact information.
The Weather Underground has teamed up with a number of Weather software vendors to build a network of personal weather stations across the globe. These stations provide real-time weather conditions, with updates as frequent as every 8 seconds.
MesoWest is a cooperative project between researchers at the University of Utah, forecasters at the Salt Lake City National Weather Service Office, the NWS Western Region Headquarters, and personnel of participating agencies, universities, and commercial firms. The goal of this project is to provide access to current weather observations in the western states. Support for this project is being provided by the National Weather Service.
MesoWest is used operationally by the National Weather Service to monitor weather conditions around the region in order to protect lives and property. MesoWest is also used extensively by researchers to understand severe weather events such as winter snow storms and damaging winds.
AWEKAS is an acronym for "Automatisches WEtterKArten System" (en: automatic weather map system) and is, as the name suggests, a system which produces overview maps from the weather data provided by participating private weather stations.